I think it’s almost unanimous that Steph is the greatest shooter of all time and Magic is the greatest passer of all time. My question is, who has a wider gap between them and #2 + the rest of the pack?

Also, stats are important, but not the end all be all here. For instance, Klay might actually be a slightly better catch-and-shoot 3pt maker than Steph, but Steph is so far and away better at creating his own shot it’s why he is clearly the best shooter of all time. And Magic may not hold the assist record, but you would be hard-pressed by most fans and players if you said Stockton had a similar passing ability to Magic.

  • longjinxedB
    2 months ago

    I’m not old enough to watch many Magics games, but I watch LeBron very often. I cannot say if Bron is better or worse or 70% or 80% of Magic for that matter. But I can tell u, Bron is widely considered the best passer by many in modern history and he does make insane passes on nightly basis. If you say that only 70% as good as Magic, fine, I have no problem with it, maybe passing back in the day is just that much better than today’s players.

    • LegateDamar13B
      2 months ago

      Joker is better passer then LeBron. I don’t think LBJ is top 5 passers ever either.

      For me it goes:

      • Joker
      • Magic
      • Kidd
      • Nash
      • I’m going to place Luka here even though I’m not certain if he’s top 5. Only because he’s better passer then LeBron too.
    • makesterriblejokesOPB
      2 months ago

      I wouldn’t say passing in general was way better, I just think Magic was better. For every insane pass LeBron makes, Magic would make 4-5x that amount. Like maybe LeBron can make 99% of the passes Magic makes, but he can’t do it at the same consistency and at the same volume as Magic (or at least we’ve never seen him try to).