Once again, Russell will be starting next season with another new team.

If he’s such a great player & teammate, then why is he always bouncing around teams?

I thought the Clippers were his last stop, however he didn’t last long there either….

Russell in Denver? The Joker & Jamal will have their hands full with ole’ Russ, imo.

  • TuqiDuque12B
    3 months ago

    I mean he’s bouncing from team to team because at this point he’s a back up point guard at the minimum who has deep flaws despite still having some pretty unique strenghts, those kind of player usually don’t last long on a team, just ask his former teammate Ish Smith (who btw was a great teammate by all account too).

    You can judge the player, but I don’t see why you would say anything about him as a teammate while pretty much every guy he’s played with and has talked about him has defended by from that standpoint