obviously a lot of a bigs and forwards gain substantial amounts of muscle and general weight throughout their career (giannis, lebron, shaq, wilt, kareem) but i was wondering how much muscle do guards typically build through their careers and who are some outliers with crazy transformations? jordan comes to mind, going from 195 in his rookie season to 223 when he played for the wizards, adding nearly 30 lbs over his career, kobe added a similar amount of weight although i dont think it was as much as jordan added, harden’s weight’s always been talked about and he came into the league already at 220 or heavier and looks significantly bigger… marcus smart was reportedly 240 at one point… often times when guards bulk up too much it seems to become an issue, smart complained of back problems and harden’s weight raised concerns it may hinder his athleticism

  • Usual_Manner5387B
    2 months ago

    Cam Thomas is built as fuck now compared to his first 2 seasons. He always had thick legs tho