I’m a new basketball fan, trying to get into the sport, watching nba games and stuff, and as someone who’s completely new to the sport I’d like to know what you love about the game?

Do you watch for specific players? Specific teams? Why’d you choose to support your team?

As someone with no attachment, I’m finding it hard to choose a team to support. I don’t want to just choose the best, and don’t want to just choose the team I live near… I want to find a team I enjoy watching and supporting.

  • iapunkB
    16 hours ago

    I’m 53 and I have loved basketball as long as I can remember. I was 6’1” in 7th grade and the game was different then so they never really taught me how to dribble, they just put me under the basket. I stopped growing so career was over after my sophomore year of high school.

    I followed the college game, not a big NBA guy. I’ve never lived in an NBA market. had a son and he got my obsession with the game. He’s now 23 and has been my best friend since he came out of my wife’s womb. He loved the Thunder so that got me interested in them. I remember him calling me crying hysterically(he was 14) while I was at work the day KD signed with the Warriors. We stuck with OKC, bought League Pass every year and loved Russ.

    He’s moved out, has a great job and we still love the Thunder and share a League Pass subscription. We find a weekend every year when the Thunder are at home on a Friday/Sunday, take an annual trip to OKC(8 hour drive) to go to two games. Best weekend of the year for me.

    I also have season tickets to my Alma mater so I still follow college too.