I just woke up from having the most insane dream, which I will now explain to you. Just a heads up, I don’t even watch NBA, nor do I particularly care about Chris Paul at all, which is what makes it so weird that I’d dream of him of all people, but here we are.

Ok. So, it starts with me and my friends just screwing around in a church parking lot, playing basketball, when our ball gets lost in a really tall dumpster. We can’t get it out for whatever reason, so we decided to go inside to the community centre.

After we make it inside, we notice that there’s a news report showing on the television. It’s about Chris Paul, and he’s facing several criminal accusations. From assault, to sexual harassment, you name it, he’s basically accused of committing all the crimes.

Fast forward to later on, where I am attending a funeral. The church is packed, with some people I know irl, and the other half being an assortment of NBA players like Shaq, LeBron, Jokic, Luka Doncic, DeMarcus Cousins, etc mostly players from the 2000s though.

Low and behold, Chris Paul is there, and the only person sitting facing the complete opposite way is him for some reason. Now, I’m trying to focus on the funeral, and the organ music playing and stuff, but I just can’t help but stare at Chris Paul as he just stands out too much.

Now, for some ungodly reason Chris Paul starts shaking violently for some reason. Like, of you’ve ever seen that one GIF of Chris from that show Everybody Hates Chris with the boombox on the city bus, you’ll know what I mean. Except this was more exaggerated.

I think he was just so moved by the music or something, because he then decides to start singing at the top of his lungs to the organ music, kinda like usher. At first everyone was kinda annoyed by him and his shaking, but as soon as he started singing and dancing whilst doing so, people started to immediately praise him for doing so. Shaq even chimed in too, supporting him by saying, “Yeah my man, keep going!” from all the way in the back.

In the end, I was upset. I started rapidly darting my head in multiple directions, unable to believe what I was seeing. Chris Paul had completely ruined a funeral. And people were clapping.

Idk what happy next because my dream ended and I woke up, but it was absolutely insane that I dreamt of this. I haven’t even thought of Chris Paul for like years at this point, but here he is, ruining funerals with his majestic singing voice.