This is super hypothetical. But if any of the superstars in the league wins Both MVP and FMVP for next season. They will all skyrocket.

Jokic- solidify his case as a top 15 all time player. Maybe knocking on the door of top 10 all time. (He would have 4 MVPs + 2 FMPS)

Giannis- solidify his case as a top 20 all time player. Maybe arguably in that latter top 15 range. (He would have 3 MVPs, 2 FMVPs, + 1 DPOY)

Luka - A MVP + FMVP will make him in the conversation for the best player in the league. But not yet in the all time talk

SGA - same as Luka. But a little less since he have less All nba firsts selection

Embiid- MVP + FMVP will silence all haters and doubters. And will surpass all time centers like Patrick Ewing. And maybe comparable or at least in the convo with David Robinson.