I think this is one of the most fascinating what if which even Tim Duncan admitted was really close to happening but it did not happen cause Pop and Drob essentially bring him to meeting and convince him to stay. Tim Duncan himself admitted that reason he did not went to Orlando because Doc Rivers said he can’t bring his wife to plan.

So anyways let’s examine this what if let’s say it happen how it will turn out.

Dark Timeline :-

Grant Hill will be non factor

This will be our roster

Tmac D Armstrong Mike Miller Bo Outlaw Pat Garrity Troy Hudson Andrew DeClercq

And Timmie D

I think if I view in ultra conservative lens they lose in

01 02 to Lakers 04 to 06 to Detroit 07 they make the finals but lose to Suns and there championship window is closed if Boston Big 3 is formed

They win one championship in 03

Why did I speculate such a dark timeline , because this is extremely conservative scenario where I assume roster start to age quickly and Orlando after 05 wouldn’t even able to get high seed cause Tracy Mcgrady keeps getting injured and they lose cause Tmac is choking.

Realistic Scenario:-

We will have same roster but remember this

Grant Hill will be a factor in 05 like he was in 2005 he will be back to being really productive player which he was till 011 , Like we ain’t getting Detroit Grant Hill but we are getting a really solid 16 to 14 ppg scorer who can surprisingly provide spacing around 010.

01 they are losing to Lakers

02 it’s a toss up but I am leaning Magic because here is why … Lakers really sucked at guarding pick and roll that year Mike Bibby cooked them imagine what Tracy Mcgrady and Prime Mike Miller will do to them also Tim Duncan that year guarded Shaq really well too so he can slow down Shaq and we have Tmac to answer for Kobe and even if he went choking mode we have Timmie D to save us

If Lakers have to make 10 point comeback in almost every match against Spurs in 02 in playoffs and nearly lost to Kings I think Orlando can beat them. But let’s go realistic and say they lose to them because Kobe and Shaq better fine.

03 This is a no brainer not only Orlando beating them I have Orlando beating Lakers in 5 games cause Shaq have declined , Rich Fox was out and Robert Horry sucked in playoffs , Plus we have peak Tmac to match up for Kobe

04 This is close but not for finals like if we went finals Orlando is man handling 04 Lakers duh , Its a toss up because of Detroit I think they match up really well with Tim Duncan because of Wallace Brothers and they have Tayshaun Prince to throw at Tmac who give him trouble in 03 in first round.

But with that being said Tmac nearly have 3-1 lead over worse Detroit team and Tim Duncan beat Detroit in 05 with a worse team then our magic team in this scenario. Plus there offense was literally Chauncey and Rip Hamilton which I don’t think is anywhere near as potent as Mike Miller and Tmac. Our team is just significantly better offensive team compare to Detroit and have Tim Duncan to cover bases on Defense. Another trophy for Orlando

05 we get even better cause Grant Hill return to his all star form in this year while nowhere near close to superstar grant hill he is solid contributor with Tmac and Timmie D. Like no disrespect to Detroit they don’t have a chance to beat Orlando in 05 with Grant Hill , Now we do have elephant in room with Miami getting Shaq but here is the deal … Shaq was declining and before you say he was MVP candidate in 05 , yes he was but he was averaging 21 points and was missing games in 05 playoffs if we meet in second round where Shaq miss some games. Orlando is sweeping them but if we meet in conference finals Orlando is still beating them cause Dwade got hurt in 05 ECF but even if you think he is fully healthy no disrespect to Dwade Tmac was flat out better then him in 05 like people say Tmac is playoffs choker like look at his 05 playoffs number and tell me that’s a man that is a chokers he went bonkers in 05 playoffs against Dallas , Also our third best player is Grant Hill who average nearly 18 points and was all star that year. So I have us win 05 ECF and have Orlando beat Suns in finals who is missing Joe Johnson and cannot play defense.

Orlando threepeat in 03 , 04 , 05

06 now this is the year where I could see us struggling cause Tmac was hurt and miss a lot of games but we have Tim Duncan and Grant Hill so we will still make playoffs I think if we have our big 3 of Grant Hill , Tim Duncan , Tmac play like they did last year they could beat Miami even with Dwayne Wade becoming Super Saiyan cause Shaq have declined even more and there third best player was Alonzo Morning from bench or Antoine Walker. Also this year Tim Duncan average 30 point against Dallas. So if he replicate this performance Orlando will beat Miami and we will manhandle Dallas in finals cause its Dirk and buch of roll players.

07 is another year we are walking through east like Miami is cooked cause Wade shoulder injury and Shaq declining even more and Sorry Lebron and bunch of make a wish kids ain’t beating us. Now finals is really interesting cause we have Suns with Amare and Nash plus they have replace Joe Johnson with Raja Bell who can carry his offensive performance but also guard team best Perimeter player plus this team have depth with Diaw and Barbosa. This is another case which is toss up but I am leaning toward Suns its too deep and match us on offensive firepower. But it could go either way cause Tmac Duncan and Grant Hill like Suns have no answer for Duncan he routinely owned them.

08 I think our window close like dark timeline cause Tmac decline in this season but we will compete with Celtics Big 3 cause Grant Hill have solid year and Tim Duncan was still Tim Duncan also Tracy Mcgrady performed really well in playoffs. So maybe we may have a chance against 08 celtics like they nearly lost to Lebron but let’s go with Celtics.

09 to 012 Orlando is cooked from any contention hope cause Tmac was done in this years after surgery but we will still make playoffs cause Grant hill was good and Tim Duncan was still Tim Duncan after 012 though they have to either rebuild cause Grant Hill was done in 013 and Timmie have 3-4 years left will he stay in Orlando or ask to be traded Idk ?

But anyways in this scenario Orlando is winning at least 4 championship and 6 championship is possibility if you think they can beat 02 Lakers and 07 Suns in dream scenario. Plus you avoid Dwightmare !!! Tim Duncan status didn’t change in all time ranking but maybe player movement era will happen sooner cause of him and Tmac with 4 or 6 rings will just change his legacy. Lebron fans be ready to was Lebron even better then Tmac convo.

  • ChickennugmasterB
    3 months ago

    This is all tricky because I feel that prime Manu was better than prime T-Mac

    • ScottMrRagerB
      3 months ago

      You must be kidding me. Prime Manu was a very, very good player, but a role player never a star. Put him in a garbage team like T-Macs Magic, I doubt he would even make it to the playoffs.

    • Embarrassed_Proof808B
      3 months ago

      If Tmac came off the bench for SAS he would still average 30. Don’t disrespect Tmac like that. Just shows you don’t understand basketball

  • ScottMrRagerB
    3 months ago

    T-Mac at least wouldn’t be considered as playoff loser.