Can we really say Team USA is the best it’s ever been if they’re barely beating people? I mean South Sudan? Really? The level of preparation, economic investment, and talent, should be way more but only winning by 1? Someone explain.

  • Vlaks1-0B
    3 months ago

    A) I don’t think anyone is saying this is the best US basketball ever. That title still goes to the 1992 Dream Team.  This year’s team certainly has the talent to come pretty close, but time will tell. Not to mention that the 1996/ 2008/ 2012 teams were all fantastic too, and have a legitimate stake in being called, at worst, the second best USA basketball team.

    B) This was a exhibition game, and completely meaningless. The USA team always takes time to gel. They’ve been together for two weeks.  If they are still struggling when the games actually matter, then this might be a legitimate question. Until then, it’s not.