Paris Olympics 2024 have finally came to an end. But the question still remains, how sustainable have the Olympic Games actually been? Are there any concrete examples of eco-friendly initiatives or has it been mostly greenwashing?

  • Skorpid1B
    2 months ago

    Well, sustainable is difficult with such a mega event. It is important to look for eco-friendly solutions and/or reusable for public after the games.
    But when I (as a German) hear about the x-attempt of Germany for application and how first thoughts of the officials are „no new buildings/stadium/dome for the games, the competitions will be spread all over the country for maximum eco-friendly games“ I think: just don’t waste any time or money on an application, please.
    If it stays within one city, spectators can switch and move between different sport events, but if you have decide where you want to watch and then miss everything else… I see empty benches and no great summer feeling like in Paris.