• szobosszB
    3 months ago

    Basketball discussion was so fucking trash. What no chill said was a common viewpoint in 2016. Shoutout to him for still sticking in here but so many people left cause it’s discouraged to even have a different view point on here.

    Basically, I don’t think any player in Jah’s archetype is a good player. The modern NBA center has to be able to do three things: defend pick and roll, defend the rim, and pick and roll on offense. Why? The best shots in basketball are dunks, layups, and 3 pointers. If you have no pick and roll game, your offensive and defensive schemes are necessarily subpar. Those three things are arguably Jah’s biggest weaknesses, and due to his lack of quickness/athleticism, are likely to always be his weaknesses. It’s why teams who are spearheaded by Greg Monroe, Nik Vucevic, Al Jefferson, etc. always top out as low playoff seeds who go out in the first round. You just can’t be successful long-term built around a big with a very inefficient offensive game (post ups and midrange jumpers are pretty much the worst offensive options) and a defensive game that gets exploited by most NBA teams at this point. On top of that, I think Jah himself is just bad right now, as you would expect a rookie to be. His biggest problem applies to pretty much every facet of his game: he’s just too damn slow. He’s slow up and down the court, he’s slow to make offensive decisions, he’s slow to make defensive decisions. It absolutely kills him. So yeah. Jah is just bad, and even with massive improvement, I don’t think he’ll ever be good