In the interview, her French trainer and biology professor stated that he referred her to a world class endocrinologist, who confirmed “she is indeed a woman, despite her karyotype and testosterone levels.” In other words, she’s XY and male testosterone levels. (They never made it clear what facts were relied on for the “she is indeed a woman” statement, but obviously it wasn’t her genome). The following exchange took place between the journalist and trainer/bio professor immediately after this statement about her karyotype: Some claim that XY profiles have a physical, muscular superiority over XX profiles. “People say that everyone should play sports. Everyone, except these people? Some suggest creating special categories, but even within a group of hypoandrogenic or hyperandrogenic people, there are differences among them. There is such a significant variation that categories cannot be established.” Her trainer also admitted they had to lower her testosterone levels to below male levels.

  • Throwalt68OPB
    2 months ago

    She can compete sure, in the open division that anyone can compete in. Surely you cant argue that the people with XY chromosomes in the Open division have an unfair advantage right?