Context: I want to form an all-time team with prime Steph/Klay/KD/LeBron but have issues about the 5.

Jokic is obviously the best out of AD and Dwight but he is not a good rim protector and I have enough scoring/offense with Steph/KD/LeBron and playmaking with Steph/LeBron. Jokic’s screening and rebounding will be really helpful though and he will allow the team to play true 5 out which gives LeBron the best spacing.

AD is the most versatile defender compared to Dwight (more switchable) but he is not big enough to body bigger bigs like Jokic or Shaq. I like AD’s off ball game the most out of the 3 + he is a good FT shooter

Dwight is a defender that matches up the best against true bigs like Shaq and he has a good off ball game when focused on his strengths (unlike say 2011 where he stopped PnR due to media pressure).

Which big fits this team the best?

  • imironman2018B
    2 months ago

    AD. seriously would be more versatile for offense and his defense is world class. On a team with prime Curry/KD, LeBron and Klay- you don’t need more offensive firepower. You need a superstar center who would be willing to patrol the paint and get alley oops and set picks. AD also has more versatility for offense than Dwight. Jokic is more talented offensive wise but not as defensive minded as AD or Dwight.